SAMI Token

Buy and sell SAMI tokens on the Fantom network at Sushi / SpookySwap / SpiritSwap

How to buy and sell a Sami Token

SAMI Token can be found on the Fantom network. First you need a wallet that will connect you to a swap exchange such as Metamask. Once you have installed it on your browser as an extension you will need to add the Fantom network to the Metamask wallet. Next connect that wallet directly to one of these decentralized exchanges (DEX); Sushi, SpookySwap, or SpiritSwap. It is important to get the correct SAMI contract address added to your wallet 0x7C1F328C34c23FE13901042359D1eC2e3Bd498db, you can check that address on the ftmscan explorer. Your wallet will need some FTM for fees to buy SAMI tokens. You can use different tokens such as USDC, FTM, wETH, wBTC, BOO, and many others to swap/buy with SAMI. For more detailed info on how to use SpookySwap watch this linked video.

What is Sami Token

Personal Investment Token (PIT) that others can follow along with, or even join, by owning some tokens. No ICOs. No VC money. Not a get-rich-quick scheme. Just purely a fun project to test out some personal investment theories. A place to pour some spare change into. Important metrics are; the increase of the token value, the total liquidity amount, see if it is possible to increase ones personal net worth, and have some fun testing out Decentralized Finance (DeFi).

How to use and trade on Fantom swap exchanges

Decentralized exchanges (DEX) are a type of cryptocurrency exchange which allows for direct peer-to-peer cryptocurrency transactions to take place online securely, without the need for an intermediary. Easy to use by everyone as there is no government ID needed to start trading.

Price Chart of Sami Token on the Fantom network

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